Friday, August 6, 2010

Cell Phones In The Classroom

I read this article that touched on both sides of the cell phone debate. I personally think they both don't quite hit it. They are to extreme. It is absurd to think that a student will stop bringing there cell phone to school. It is equally absurd to think that students don't already know how to use all the features of there cell phone two days after they recieve it. We need to find a happy medium where students understand that there is a time and a place for everything.
The article states, "The goal of an educational setting should be to give students the proper tools to succeed once they step into society." This is a great theory. All classrooms should be a reflection of real society. Especially at the high school level. The assume in saying this that cell phones are a part of every day life, which they are, but students need to learn to utilize there phone. I don't know about you, but I have a sister who just turned sixteen, you give her a blackberry she will have it all figured out in two days. You don't see cell phones in board meetings, doctors offices, courtrooms, why should they be in the classroom. If we are trying to implement a societal structure why not really teach them there is a time and a place. Not to say that the doctor, or lawyer, or business don't have their cell phones in their pockets. In the day and age a cell phone is the first point of contact one may have with their family members and friends. These are important values to teach and allowing students to bring the cell phone, just in-case of emergency, and understand the proper way to go about using the cell phone politely in a professional setting.
I also feel that right now with the turn of cell phones to mini computers, students will now have access to information at high speeds at their finger tips. Still these phones are expensive and assuming every student as one of these qualities phones is saying every student in your school doesn't have a disability, just isn't going to happen. We as teachers need to stress a professional learning environment, and provide the guidelines for proper cell phone use in society, and allow them to utilize it as a tool, but only in the proper setting.

1 comment:

  1. I agree fully! Kids can use them socially, but not in the classroom! If you are sitting in the middle of a business meeting and your cell phone rings, you may be fired! Kids need to understant that!
