Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Digital Native or Digital Immigrant"

“Our students today are all “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet.” (Digital Immigrant or Digital Native) This is me. I am a digital native. My family bought our first computer when I was fourteen. We had AOL and Microsoft Word. Even at my school I took a computer typing and formatting class, I also took a digital arts class that dealt with Photoshop.
I am really on the cusp though. People just a couple grades a head of me were still wondering how to change their font on word, But my little sister who is nine years younger than me has grown up with a computer almost all her life. She is constantly on some sort of technology. Mainly her cell phone. She is definitely a digital native. This is how I know I am a Native. Just yesterday I was over at my Grandmas house and she was telling me she was going to take a class to learn how to use Microsoft word. I told her I can teach her everything there is to know about it. Then she asked me how to change the font. That was her biggest problem. Its as if the language on the computer is foreign to her, but not to me.
My high school experience was one on the verge of computers. Teachers were still letting students turn in assignments hand written. Most presentations were done on poster board for the first two years, but the second two you noticed a change in the way students were presenting and the way teacher were presenting lessons has well. I had a math teacher who taught every lesson based on a PowerPoint slide she put together, but most of the time teachers where out of the loop and the students in my grade were on the verge of breaking out. In college it hit me. All assignments except for math were turned on computer paper. Typed, double-space, Times New Roman. Every student at school had a computer and was hooked up to the schools intranet. Every one had a cell phone and an Ipod. This was an exciting time. Thought it seemed the teacher were still so far behind. None of my teacher taught with technology it was all discussion and writing on the white or chalk board. Even contacting your teacher was ore efficient if you just went and talked to them rather them trying to write you and e-mail. So high school was a mix of teachers and student who were preparing for the digital era, but in college every student was there, but only a handful of teachers noticed.
“Students are convinced that school is totally devoid of interest and totally irrelevant to their life. In fact, they find school much less interesting than the myriad devices they carry in their pockets and backpacks.” (Engage me or Enrage Me, 2010). The future of our children and their actions in the classroom is going to totally rely on technology and implementing the students familiar language, Technology. We as teachers have to be able to every day and every lesson incorporate the use of technology, but not just power points and word documents. We need to use smart boards, and Ipads and learning interactive web-sites. That will allow your students to learn the material using their preferred media. It is still a long road ahead. With the average age of teachers being over forty most students wont get that medium they need to fully engage in a topic.
I believe I am part of the first generation of teachers who have the opportunity and skills to bridge this gap. To implement the use of technology everyday in the classroom. We are the digital natives who will be furthering the knowledge and qualities of our children.

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